

Don't Forget 不要忘记

2023 / 4 / 1

The basis of the well-being of a human is the individual being able to obtain their original intention of it’s oneself without force interference from others and the ability to solidify their very own value and maintain their fundamental freedom as a human being. The more I think about this idea, the greater reflection it gives from the standing point of where the LGBTQA+ community’s position on society and the actual equality of power in a relationship.

Discrimination is harmful and shameful conduct of an individual, and those who perform it are very uninclusive as the idea of being superior holds its extent that their personal opinion is correct and the opposite is not, this comes to the idea whether gay people are born to be so or not.

Alongside, the scientific fact that we can not change or modify one’s sexuality, the crucial part of the unacceptance of LGBTQ+ was mainly concerned based on the fact that most of them can not perform reproduction. To understand this phenomenon, we have to trace back to the origin of human society which is back to the time when the environment was rather cruel and the main idea of the existence of the body is to reproduce new individuals to keep the group contain to grow and live based on the biologically set male-female mechanism, and the time moves on, and this idea rooted deeply into our DNA, and passed on into today.

However, there’s a significant amount of evidence that not every human on the Earth believes the same, of course, they’re not. So, this is back to the idea of education and value input to a child matters and plays an actual influential role on the effect of the opinion of that individual toward LGBTQA+.

We, human, has proved with an open and inclusive mind, we can challenge many things to seem difficult or even impossible to do before, the Pride movement and system set up to protect the fundamental human right of an individual in the LGBTQA+ community away from discrimination, and of crouse, teachers, college professors, and mental health psychologist have been trained and given evidence to prove that LGBTQA+ has no difference, on the matter of sex, body structure, and mental health compare to the majority. We have come to a point, in which the world or closer, the U.S. has been split up upon political ideological differences or policy disagreement, which makes us start to forget the part that we shared, all as a human, in this tiny little society, no matters who are to govern and who’s to be governed, what happened now and then has continuously reminded us, that have to stay open, stay inclusive, stay diverse.